Wednesday 6 February 2013

and so it goes, the lion fell inlove with the lamb...and  it was magical and exciting and blinding. we all beleive in love, because its the closest thing we have to magic. however, when that lion found that the lamb was no longer enough, that the lamb didnt satisfy her thirst,  the lion left the lamb, and found a new one. this new lamb wasnt broken or damaged, infact, it was like the old lamb was when they first found each other. so whilst the lion was now off enjoying life with his new lamb, the old lamb lead in a heap on the floor, broken, lost, alone and scared, calling out for her lion to come and rescue her and make her whole again, her heart beating faintly and her cries never heard. time and time again that lamb tried to find its feet, tried to get up, but could never quite find the strength to do so, and so lead on the floor and waited, waited as hours turned into days, days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, in the hope that maybe one day her lion would return. but the llion never came. so yes, the lion fell inlove with the lamb, but the lamb soon was forgotten. so perhaps love is the closest we have to magic, but are we talking about good magic, or dark magic? because ultimately, does love not destroy us? is it not some fucked up spell that has been cast over us, that although brings uncontrollable, unconditional and irrevecoable love, also brings with it great suffering and pain when that spell has run out for one of the party? so here it is, that little lamb, now more fragile and hurt that ever, sits waiting for her lion to return, but the question is, does the lion ever look back? or are we all some part of a fucked up spell cast by hell itself?

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