Friday 15 February 2013

freya's theory of love...

love is like a bubble. it starts off as a pool of people, and then two people are blown into a bubble and that bubble floats up and away, you feel amazing, everything is incredible.then its blown about a bit in the wind, but it still exists and its strong, it has its highs and lows, but it never bursts. then things get difficult and that bubble slowly floats down to the ground. now some bubbles pop the moment they hit the cold hard ground, but some are magical,special and rare. now these bubbles sit on the floor in an awkward half of a bubble kind of way. they dont pop, they just sit there, colours spinning like our emotions. the love is still there, but its very mixed up and broken. now these little bubbles go one of two ways. normally they grow tired of waiting and they burst, and within an instant they are gone. however, some of these bubbles are little troopers, and they wait patiently, never bursting, just sitting, swirling colours, before someone eventually picks it up and re-inflates it. we're that little bubble on the ground, we're that trooper. now be the saviour and re-inflate our bubble, and i'll help. and together, we'll float away again and rise up stronger than ever. we've done it before, we can do it again.

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