Saturday 16 February 2013

that annoying moment when you see someone in a movie, recognise them, but cant place where you know them from. anyhow, my evening tonight has consisted of listening to mum and chaz get all excited about their holiday, a bubble bath, chatting to gemm, and now sat watching chalet girl with a glass of wine and silky. not quite the same without you here, remember we said we were going to go and see this movie? its actually really good. ive been browsing kj tickets and phantom of the opera, dunno if you still wanna go, but whatever, text me about it if you want to come, if not, i'll find someone else to come with. watching chalet girl makes me want to go snowboarding, i might do it you know. go to france for a couple of weeks, head down to the south coast, then head to the alps for a week of snowboarding. nothing makes me feel more free than when its me, my board, and the mountains. its like nothing can take that moment away from me, and nothing else in the world matters.

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