Monday 11 February 2013

i go for a while without dreaming of you properly for months, and yet the moment i see you, "boom!" dream overload. the first dream i had of you i dreamt that you met kc, she had a house party and we decided to go. you guys ended up getting on relatively well, and they all decided to go off into another room. this left me and you in the bedroom, well you can imagine what happened, and then she walked in, it turned into a massive physical fight, but some-how ended in me being the one who got hurt before you launched at her, but it resulted in her pulling a knife on you. as she brought it towards you i woke up. i woke up in a state of panic, worrying about you. the next dream i had about you was that i came to meet you and you had blonde hair, abi had cut your hair aswell, except for it had gone horribly wrong, youd put a black strak in your fringe and attempted to layer it, but instead it had ended up like some flopped over jedward cut. you sat and held me and told me how you felt and then we went for dinner, i even invited abi along. but she couldnt deal with you seeing me, and so sat at another table. again, i woke up. the next dream i had was in the 50's, we both worked in the kitchen of a big house, and each had our own flats. when i came to visit you, you had no food, no water to do washing up, and generally it was a mess. my flat was slightly messy, but it was in the attic, it felt warm, cosy and the fire was constantly going. you fell inlove with it the moment you came in and so i asked you to move in with me, so you agreed. falling asleep in your arms in that dream was so so comforting. but when we were going about our chores the next day, i walked into the kitchen to find you fucking some girl up against the counter, you looked at me, panic crossed your face and you immediately pulled away from here and walked towards me. i ran from you, i ran and hid. you searched and searched, but you couldnt find me anywhere. and slowly i watched the seasons go by, watched you hurt as you looked for me, no matter how much time went by. and then one day, i appeared again, and you were unrecognisable. your hair was messy and your clothes dirty and ripped, you had no weight on you and you had restraint marks on your wrists. when i asked you what had happened you couldnt even say a word, instead you collapsed to the floor and sobbed in my arms, pulling me to you. in that moment i knew that i still loved you, and walking away from you was the biggest mistake i had ever made. i took you to my flat and looked after you, nursed you back to health. earnt us enough money. and when i had enough, we stole a car and dissapeared off away together. we ended up down in porlock, in modern times, with our farm and with kids. we were a little older, but my word, you were still as beautiful as the day i first met you. and as we said goodnight to skylar and darcey, we embraced each other, thankful that no matter what life had thrown at us, no matter how much time apart, we'd found each other again, and here we were, me, you and our future.

now looking at these dreams i have no idea what they all mean, theres fear, betrayal, guilt, forgiveness and hope. theyve confused me a little because there were so many of them, but why am i suddenly dreaming of you so much?

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