Sunday 17 February 2013

thoughts for tonight? well, ive watched loads of crap tv tonight and read trash mags, ate a load of junk food. i also watched the notebook earlier with the famalam, chaz just kept looking at me as if to say, this is your life all over, was kinda painful but hey, its a beautiful film, and for once, i didnt cry at the end! ive done bugger all today, quite literally. well actually thats a lie, i cleaned the entire downstairs, i walked the pooch multiple times and had lots of snuggles etc. i also watched toddlers and tiaras back to back, i frickin' love that show! but besides that, nothing much interesting has gone on today. what a boring life i lead eh? anyways, im actually really tired pretty early, for the first time in ages! so i dont have much to say right now, my apologies. what am i doing right now? well im currently sat in bed, teeth feeling stupidly clean and white (ive become a bit ocd with my teeth), im going to watch some sort of crappy documentary, not sure what yet, i mean i watched one on medical marijuana last night, imagine being able to walk into a store, and there just be shelves and shelves of different strands of weed, crazy times! i have a feeling tonight will either be a crime documentary or a bit of david Attenborough (woah spellcheck even has his name in it!), we all know the world is going to come to an end the day that man dies!! other stuff going on right now, well photoshop is bouncing away at the bottom of my screen, reminding me i have college work to sort, joy of joys! erm, its cold, cloudy and well....dark? my bed is cushty and warm though, so thats a bonus.  anyways, time for documentaries and sleep! sorry for the crappyness of this blog entry! adios xx

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