Tuesday 19 February 2013

ohhh ohh look! another "thoughts for tonight" blog. i swear i should actually be writing some sort of article every night (well i guess i kinda am) on the daily goings on in freya's world. i actually lead a rather un-eventful life, but when i think about my day when i sit and type at night, its the little things that i sit and chuckle at (yes i do laugh at myself on a regular basis). so anyhow, thoughts for tonight. well, ive been in a pretty dominant mood all evening, hence the mass amount of bondage photographs, but hey, i think theyre kinda beautiful! so whats gone on in freyas world today i hear you ask. well i set my alarm for 7 this morning, can you believe it, 7 am! saying that though, i do recall being up at stupid am last week to wake certain people, so i guess i cant complain. anyways, point of the story is, no fucker was getting me up at 7 this morning. melatonin last night made quite sure of that, the bugger! so sleepy freya finally got out of bed pretty late (desperately need to sort out my sleeping pattern! note to self, attempt to get up early tomorrow, go for a run). anyhoo, so sleeping rant over, i dragged myself out of bed, feeling more than low this morning, joy of joys, poodled around for a bit, sorting out college work, applying for jobs, the usual malarky that we're all meant to do as teenagers apparently. soph came over fora bit, which was rather nice. had a good old gossip and catchup in the sun with a cuppa freya tea and a fag, just listening to the birds. i love it when the sun comes out, my mood goes right up, im completely relaxed and everything just feels so much better. anyways, so soph left, i did some housework (like a good daughter) and moreeeee job applying. we then went to asda to mass stock on food for me for when mum goes away. now see here was my issue, we all know freya loves food, and sausages, and other meaty products, but when you suddenly start thinking if there is horse in it, you go off it. so my meat shop, turned into chicken, chicken, more chicken, and some mince meat. oh! and  a rack of ribs to cook, nom! maybe i'll save them for you ;) this evening has been pretty relaxed, it looks like im going to be looking after a 5 week old baby for the next 2 weeks, helping a woman in bassett out, i mean my heart goes out to her, and i lovvveeeee babies, but then i become brudy, and i dont want it taking up all of my time, i have err....more important business to attend to. so anyways, watched crappy tv this evening (dont i every night?), nattered with chaz about my daily goings on, had breakfast at 9pm at night. ah well, who doesnt love a full fry up with oatcakes? i sure do. and guess what, no panicking over it!! (proud!) watched stella then decided hey, why not get an early bed-time? so here i am, snuggled down in bed, silky in hand (well ok, not in hand as im typing so that would be stupid, but on my chest), nattering away to the usual suspects and feeling rather drowsy (thank god for melatonin hey!). so now time for some sort of documentary, a muffin (a muffin!) and some water (yes i actually drink water now, can you believe it!?)

anyhow, ciao everyone <3

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