Wednesday 13 March 2013

theres low, and then there is taking it too far. so last summer this whole drama kicked off because i was talking to 'a girl' on a website and she was menna do a photoshoot for me. at the time she was apparently from london etc, and she tried to take things a little bit too far, i boyed it off, but y'now. so anyhow, i log back onto this website, and suddenly it dawns on me that i was right all along, or if i wasnt, its someone playing a seriously sick joke. so 'this girl', shes 19, alternative hairstyle, blue eyes, automotive trade, and now apparently lives in wiltshire. the fucked up thing is, shes got your pic as her display picture, which kinda makes me go, hold on, i was right, it was you. it all adds up aswell, her name being shane2469= shane-(you) 2/4-(your birthday) 69(my number) oh how original. anyhow, its all very well trying to catch me out last summer, it didnt work. as if it is you, you know full well i boyed 'her' off. but messaging me on the 20th of feb, being like 'hey stranger, havent spoken to you in a while ;)' is a whole other kettle of fish. i mean its either someone playing a really sick joke, or you being a headfuck and trying to get me to creep last year, although why youd still message me now and make it that obvious is beyond me. either way, neither really worked. if it was to catch me creeping, then why do it? were you that insecure about how i felt about you that you wanted to see if id do it? you knew how inlove with you i was. and if its someone else, then thats just fucked up and sick to be honest. rahhh, people do my head in! not once did i cheat on you or go behind your back, you know this, i could have, after everything that happened, and i know you feared i would, but funnily enough, despite all the shit, i didnt, because im loyal and i wanted you and only you.  id quite like to understand whats going on at some point!

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