Wednesday 23 January 2013

You start out life as if it was a game, an adventure, investigating new things, exploring and learning. When you start to grow up life is indeed still a game, but a more serious one. One that challenges every skill to the max which we all have to take part in. Like a game you have the “good” people and the “bad people.”
However in this game there are NO second chances OR infinite lives, you get one chance, one shot. The decisions that you make therefore sculpt your whole life, effect everything you will ever be.
Some choose to switch off the console because they couldn’t handle the intensity of the game. Others choose to leave the console on standby and come back to it at different intervals in an attempt not to be suffocated by its tormenting demeanour.
Only the bravest choose to play until the end.
But this game has no compatible memory card or hard drive; you can’t start over or change your mind because really, subconsciously, your brain has already made a decision before you have fully thought about it.
The controller vibrates to warn us of danger, but still we are unaware of what lies ahead for us.
As we get older still, we decide what buttons we push no only influence us, but the world in which we are part of.
Then we get to the biggest of all the game’s troubles: Love. Love dishes out brutal beatings and breaks many leaving them scarred for life, but also has the power to give the protagonist a meaning to the word “life.”
Although, Love is like the boss we can never tame, never expect, never assume, for he works in mysterious ways. He comes running up at all the most unexpected times, especially if he sees someone he likes.
Then there is the allies, who guards your back, look after you and put every shred of their existence on the line to protect you. But we must not forget the enemies, the conniving little wankers that wouldn’t stop at murder to ruin your hope of the perfect high score.
You won’t find any walkthroughs or cheats in any books or the internet. You have to gain experience and learn, or face failure.
Life has its perks, like those little gold rings in Sonic or that new unlocked fighter in Tekken, although more bad is thrown at us to prepare us for the worst case scenario. “Heaven.” The reality is this game IS pure hell, with the suffering, hate, anger and war that is locked beneath its cover; slowly destroying itself until the CD self destructs. Another reality is that with out the suffering and anger, the world would be the most pointless game ever. Humans LIKE to make others suffer or to upset them to the point of no return, just so they can feel in control of their pathetic lives even for a moment.

So next time you turn on your Xbox 360 or your PS3, think yourself lucky that we ourselves are part of he most complicated, unorganised game ever to be heard of. Where the aim of this game is: to survive and complete, without having to restart as another character into this world of lies, deceit and betrayal. Once is bad enough. So my advice to you is to finish the game with full ranking on expert to begin with so there is no need to restart from birth.

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